Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Stress Kicks In

From the Star
Oh wow, deep breaths! That is what I keep telling myself to get through these couple of days of FCAT. And... if FCAT wasn't bad enough we are teaching Human Growth and Development in the afternoons! At least I have the 4th graders and I don't have to talk about the girl and boy parts. Oh and don't let me forget to mention that they are already talking about allocations for next year. They just couldn't wait until after the FCAT to talk about all the craziness with the new school that is going to be opening next year and taking about a 120 of our students. I have the least senority at my school, so I'm the first to go if no one volunteers. Lucky me!

My students do seem to be doing well on the FCAT - or at least they don't seem stressed when they finish. I have heard all kinds of comments from the kids about how easy it was and how it was a piece of cake. These kinds of comments just make my day. I just hope that they are not like me - I always told my mom how great I did on a test and would then come home with a bad grade. I was never very good at knowing how hard something had been! Of course, I believe my students are bright and I have complete faith that they will all pass. If they say it was easy and that they did great, then I am positive that they did. I'm just ready for the thing to be over so that I can get the results and see how awesome all of my students did!

No one ever told me how exhausting this week is. Everyone talks about the stress and the students anxieties but no one ever tells you that you are going to be walking around watching the students for 2-3 hours a day without a sit down break. My feet are killing me, not to mention that I am totally pooped. The good news is that it's almost over and I can go back to doing what I love most - teaching.

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