Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Orange slip and the cut backs

From the Star

So the other day we had a staff meeting about the new school opening in our area. We had a chance to meet the new Principal - who was very nice and very welcoming. As we sat there and listened to all the great things about the new school, all I could think about was the number of teachers that they said that we would be loosing - "10"! WOW! was all I could think! I know that I am at an outstanding "A" school. I know that there will probably not be very many volunteers who want to leave. I also know that I will be the first one to go (last hired- first to go!) I figured that I better start listening about the new school since this was going to be where I might end up next year! As the principal talked she held up a bright orange sheet of paper. Attached to this paper was the chance to go to the new school. She also mentioned a white sheet of paper if you wanted to go to any other school. Being new and not really knowing how the process worked, I went right up after the meeting to grab both the white and the bright orange form! I mean I am going to be cut and I will need a job next year! What I didn't know was that the forms were like a death wish because the Principal of my current school would now think that I wanted to leave her school. Now I totally freaked out. The last thing that I needed being a new teacher was for my Principal to think that I haven't loved my first year of teaching.

As the days went by I got more and more nervous about turning my papers into my Principal and what I was going to say. As the days got nearer to the last day of turning the papers in, and after talking with my team who kept telling me I was doing the right thing, I decided to just go talk to the Principal. As I walked into her office and sat down, she smiled at me and said, "Do you have something for me?" I was relieved because I realized that she understood my situation and that I must be doing the right thing. As I spoke with her she told me that I was making the right choice (whew!) and that I would be given a high recommendation from her to the schools that I have chosen.

She was a little skeptical about my first choice which is a Title one school. However, I explained that it was a Pre-k VE and that this was where I really wanted to be. She told me that should certainly try to get a job in the field I love. After talking to her I knew that I was making the right decision. While she supported me on the Pre-k job, she also recommended that I take full advantage of the interview at the new school to see what they have to offer me. I certainly plan to do that because you never know what can happen. I mean just think about my position - you finally get a job and before you even get settled you find out that next year you are not going to have a job. That stinks!

After all the paperwork, I did have a job interview this week at the school of my choice - the Title 1 school with the Pre-k VE job that I really want. While I will not find out about the job until all of the allocations are completed, I am super excited about my chances. I can say that I could not have asked for a better interview. Not only was the Principal very personable, but he made me feel very comfortable. I was able to answer his questions without being stressed. I am going to have an interview with the new school the day I get back from Spring Break. Of course I will let you know how it all works out but for now I am going to continue to teach my little angels and make the greatest impact on their learning and education that I can. I am going to remember how lucky I am to have had this amazing experience this year and to be doing what I love.

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